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What are the other types of assets?

  • Business equity – equals your company’s total assets, minus total liabilities.
  • Cash management - A cash management account is an account held with a financial institution that allows you to manage your cash transactions through one portal.
  • Cheque amount – A written cheque that will deposit a specific amount of money into your
  • Gifts – Money that has been gifted to you. This money may or may not have already been provided to you as a gift and is not-repayable to the person who gifted you the money.
  • Guarantee -
  • Home contents – Items in your home that are considered assets – such as electronics and furniture.
  • Investment savings
  • Life insurance – You have a life insurance policy.
  • Managed funds - investing money alongside other investors A managed fund is a type of investment where your money is pooled together with other investors. A fund manager then buys and sells assets, such as cash, shares, bonds and listed property trusts, on your behalf
  • Savings account – Money you have in a separate account to your everyday spending account.
  • Shares - Current value of money invested in shares
  • Superannuation - Money put aside by your employer over your working life for you to live on when you retire from work.
  • Term deposit - A term deposit is an account with a financial institution with a specific maturity date or a period to maturity.
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